Hello people!
After finishing the Womanthology pencils while on family vacations, I was free to join some friends at their summer house, totally free of any responsibility..! And I had a great time, despite a nasty cut I got myself.
Have you seen how the windsurfing boards have a triangular thingie for stability..? The fin or skeg, for those who know... Well, I hadn't seen it. As I was clumsily yet decently windsurfing, the wind pushed me to the coast. Not wanting to hurt anybody I stopped, climbed off and started pushing it to the shore. Little did I know that it was shallow enough for the keg to find my foot and that it was sharp enough to somewhat slice it.
I then got stitches. Four of them. Actually, slicing my foot didn't hurt. Neither opening the wound and removing some seaweed at the spot. The worst part was cleaning the wound at the hospital and stitching the skin back together until the anesthetic kicked in. To avoid thinking about the pain I started talking to my friend who was by me all the time. She's never heard a human talk this fast ever before.
Thanks Sissy :)
After that, somewhat sad for not being able to swim or windsurf or walk properly, I had a blast. :) We ate sea urchins the men of the family collected at the beach, we played cards, celebrated my birthday with BBQ (the juiciest steak EVER O.O)(And delicious fish)
I also got a yellow angry bird plush! :D
And this is how I celebrated my birthday. :)
Till next time!
PS: The cut could have been a hundred times worse. Luckily, no tendons, muscles, nerves, veins or arteries were cut. My toes are fully functional and it doesn't hurt (when I don't walk). I will take off the stiches in two weeks' time.
PS2: DUDE, I am now 21 O_O