Remember last time? I promised to upload an old comic of mine.
Aaaaand a promise is a promise.
Here goooooooes... WORLD OF EXAMCRAFT!!!!! (i love this comic)

Now, how about some subtitles...
- pg1:
- Listen, friend, to my story./what story is it?/a story of war.
- I was slaughtering teachers and proffessors when it happened./what happened?/at the beginning....the sky went dark.
- It was angry. It was huge.
- It was an exams corrector! (*) /OMG/AND a mathematician!/shit!
*in greek national exams, all papers are sent to be corrected by professors in a different location. preparation schools are focusing on the students writing in clear letters and, particularly in math, explaining every single process they follow, in order to get the highest mark possible. Thus, all exam correctors are feared of.
- pg2:
- The battle was epic./I used the sword of functions!
- Didn't work, huh?/ Not really.
- The battle was short. But i'd have lost, if it hadn't been for....
- pg3:
- the absence-keeper and her cheat sheets! /nice.
- but it was not long before... the sky went dark again.
- This time it was a Chemistry corrector! with no more cheat sheets..../without any power left...
- i was done for!
*I don't know how it is in other countries (sorry) but in Greece, the student with the highest marks is responsible for recording students' absences.
- pg4:
- I got ''0'', got into fish breeding in Arkansas, and i'm trying again in two semesters' time.
- uh-huuuh.... and how's the game called?
- World of examcraft. it's cool./ And what about the real exams?
*fish breeding university is almost like a country-wide inside joke regarding the univeristies we'd apply for. retrying the exams is not uncommon, as most students aim for medicine, law and mechanics.
- fun facts:
- In chemistry, i scored 19,5 because i misspelled a unit. otherwise, perfect.
- In maths, i scored a straight 20 when whole Greece was crying over it.
- In biology (2 of them) i scored 19,7 and 17,8 if i remember correctly. the system almost REQUIRES that we know all pages by heart for the exams. more than 100 pages by heart, damn right.
- In physics: straight 20.
- In essay, it was 14/20 from one examiner and 18/20 from the other. my proposals were too innovative for some. their bad! (should've drawn something below the essay now that i'm thinking about it.)
Oh, and here's a fish. :) i liked the colours so much, i thought i'd share. next time, i'll try to have it in gif animation.

Till next time.
stay happy and smiley!
yours, Koumaki.
2 χρόνια πριν!! ΤωΤ (ναι εγώ είμαι η dafnugen απ'το deniantart) τι θυμάμαι τόσο καθαρά!! το αγαπώ αυτό το κόμικ, μπράβοοοοοοοοο
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΣε κατάλαβα ;)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή3 χρόνια πριν μην σου πω...
το αγαπάς??? Ο.Ο *eyes sparkling with love*
κι εγώ σ'αγαπάω!!! ΧD